Query building

Build complex queries with the MondocBuilder library.

About MondocBuilder

MondocBuilder is a simple and easy-to-use query builder that allows you to build complex queries without having to write the raw MongoDB queries. The query builder is available across the Mondoc library and is used to build queries for the MondocAbstractService.

Note: MondocBuilder does not require Mondoc to run. It can be used as a standalone library.

Basic usage

MondocBuilder is a collection of classes that allow you to build queries. The main class is the QueryBuilder class, which is used to add components to the query, and pass into the MondocAbstractService for execution.


use District5\MondocBuilder\QueryBuilder;
use District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueEqualTo;
use District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueNotEqualTo;

$queryBuilder = QueryBuilder::get();
// or, call the static method available across all MondocAbstractService classes
// MyService::getQueryBuilder();

$stringEquals = ValueEqualTo::get()->string('name', 'John Doe');
$ageNotEquals = ValueNotEqualTo::get()->integer('age', 25);


// Add options to your query (entirely optional, and is not required)
$options = $queryBuilder->getOptions();
$options->setSortBySimple('age', 1); // Sort by age ascending
$options->setLimit(10); // Limit to 10 results
    'project' => ['name' => 1, 'age' => 1]
]); // Only return name and age fields
$options->setSkip(5); // Skip the first 5 results

// Get one...
// $result = \District5\Mondoc\Db\Service\MondocAbstractService::getOneByQueryBuilder($queryBuilder);
// Get multi...
// $result = \District5\Mondoc\Db\Service\MondocAbstractService::getMultiByQueryBuilder($queryBuilder);
// Or export the query to use directly with MongoDB
// $collection->find(
//      $queryBuilder->getArrayCopy(),
//      $queryBuilder->getOptions()->getArrayCopy()
// );

Results in:
    [name] => Array(
        [$eq] => John Doe
    [age] => Array(
        [$ne] => 25

Results in:
    [sort] => Array(
        [age] => 1
    [skip] => 5
    [limit] => 10
    [project] => Array(
        [name] => 1
        [age] => 1
There are many entry points for querying, using the QueryBuilder instance. Please refer to the description Service documentation for more information.

Exposed methods in QueryBuilder

Below is a list of the methods available in the QueryBuilder instance.

  • get(): \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryBuilder
    Returns the singleton instance of the QueryBuilder class.
  • addQueryPart(AbstractQueryType $part): QueryBuilder
    Adds a query part to the query. The query part must be an instance of AbstractQueryType.
  • getArrayCopy(): array
    Returns the query as an array. This is used within the MondocAbstractService, but would also be used to export a query to be used directly with MongoDB.
  • getOptions(): QueryOptions
    Returns the query options. This is used to set options such as sorting, limiting, skipping, and custom options.
  • setOptions(QueryOptions $options): QueryBuilder
    Sets the query options. This is used to set options such as sorting, limiting, skipping, and custom options.
  • addCustomArrayPart(array $custom): QueryBuilder
    Adds a custom array part to the query. This is used to add custom query components to the query.
    Note: If you need to add a custom query part that is not currently supported by MondocBuilder, please consider creating a pull request on the description MondocBuilder GitHub repository .

Special operators

MondocBuilder contains special operators to help build complex queries.

  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\AndOperator
    • addQueryPart(AbstractQueryType $part): AndOperator
      Adds a query part to the $and operator.
    • getArrayCopy(): array
      Returns the contained query parts as an array.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\OrOperator
    • addQueryPart(AbstractQueryType $part): OrOperator
      Adds a query part to the $or operator.
    • getArrayCopy(): array
      Returns the contained query parts as an array.

Equality query types

Equality query types are used to compare values in a query. For example, to check if a field is equal to a value, or if a field is not equal to a value, or if a field is greater than a value, etc.

  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueEqualTo
    Represents an $eq operator in a query.
    • string(string $key, string $string): static
      Sets a string value for the query.
    • integer(string $key, int $integer): static
      Sets an integer value for the query.
    • float(string $key, float $float): static
      Sets a float value for the query.
    • boolean(string $key, bool $boolean): static
      Sets a boolean value for the query.
    • null(string $key): static
      Sets a null value for the query.
    • mongoNative(string $key, mixed $object): static
      Sets a MongoDB native object for the query. For example, a \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime object.
    • objectId(string $key, \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId $objectId): static
      Sets an \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId for the query.
    • dateTime(string $key, \DateTime $dateTime): static
      Sets a PHP DateTime for the query.
    • utcDateTime(string $key, \MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime $date): static
      Sets a MongoDB UTCDateTime for the query.
    • getArrayCopy(): array
      Returns the query part as an array.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueNotEqualTo
    Represents a $ne operator in a query.
    See ValueEqualTo for available methods.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueGreaterThan
    Represents a $gt operator in a query.
    See ValueEqualTo for available methods.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueLessThan
    Represents a $lt operator in a query.
    See ValueEqualTo for available methods.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueGreaterThanOrEqualTo
    Represents a $gte operator in a query.
    See ValueEqualTo for available methods.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueLessThanOrEqualTo
    Represents a $lte operator in a query.
    See ValueEqualTo for available methods.

Other query types

Below is a list of other (non equality query types available in MondocBuilder. All query types extend the AbstractQueryType class and contain a get() method to retrieve an instance of themselves, as well as a getArrayCopy() method to return the query part as an array.

  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\HasAllValues
    Represents a $all operator in a query.
    • anArray(string $key, array $values): static
      Sets an array of values for the query.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\KeyExists
    Represents a $exists operator in a query.
    • true(string $key): static
      Sets the key to exist in the query.
    • false(string $key): static
      Sets the key to not exist in the query.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\SizeOfValue
    Represents a $size operator in a query.
    • equals(string $key, int $int): static
      Sets the size of the value to be equal to the given integer.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueInValues
    Represents an $in operator in a query.
    • anArray(string $key, array $values): static
      Sets an array of values for the query.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ValueNotInValues
    Represents a $nin operator in a query.
    • anArray(string $key, array $values): static
      Sets an array of values for the query.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\GeospatialPointNear
    Represents a geospatial $near operator in a query.
    • withinXMilesOfCoordinates(string $key, float|int $miles, float $longitude, float $latitude): static
      Sets the geospatial point to be within a given number of miles of the given coordinates.
    • withinXMetresOfCoordinates(string $key, int $metres, float $longitude, float $latitude): static
      Sets the geospatial point to be within a given number of metres of the given coordinates.
  • \District5\MondocBuilder\QueryTypes\ GeospatialPointNearSphere
    Represents a geospatial $nearSphere operator in a query.
    • withinXMilesOfCoordinates(string $key, float|int $miles, float $longitude, float $latitude): static
      Sets the geospatial point to be within a given number of miles of the given coordinates, using a spherical calculation.
    • withinXMetresOfCoordinates(string $key, int $metres, float $longitude, float $latitude): static
      Sets the geospatial point to be within a given number of metres of the given coordinates, using a spherical calculation.